Jessie Wright
Connecting. Elevating. Inspiring.
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Jessie Wright
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Hello, I'm
Jessie Wright
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Connecting. Elevating. Inspiring.
Fiery. Passionate. Inspired. What separates Jessie Wright from her peers is not what she’s accomplished, but who she is. Her vivacious nature and drive to be a true connector in the real estate community have helped her lift San Diego Real Producers off the ground and build it into a local industry staple. Jessie began her career as a sales consultant for Cutco Cutlery while attending school at West Virginia University. After graduating, she moved to Boston where she continued to grow her business. She was inducted into the Cutco Hall of Fame in 2014 and her personal sales exceed $1.5 million. Only two and a half years after landing in San Diego and launching San Diego Real Producers, Jessie has made a name for herself for connecting local businesses to the top real estate agents in the city.
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